Monday, September 7, 2009

Cancun Adventure - Cancun city

Last time I wrote stuff we were heading to Walmart... Our adventure did in fact take us to Walmart. It's pretty easy to get there, everyone knows walmart and it's pronounced the same in english and spanish, who woulda thought? Right, so we bought food, flip flops for me (they suck but they were $2) and some dish soap and bug spray. When I was buying meat I was somewhat confused. Next time I'll buy more because everything is in kilos and everything is cheap. I got a chorizo link, the size of a bratwurst for 3.8 pesos, and another one somewhat bigger but the lady assured me it was the best for 8 pesos. Chorizo in the US is like $6 a pound... you don't get away with anything as cheap as uh... 30 cents.

We got back home cooked up some stuff. I was a little worried about my chorizo because one of them was called queso de puerco. queso is cheese. I'm allergic to cheese. not good. So I cracked it open and it smelled a little cheesy. I cooked and it didn't look like cheese at all. So I turned to the interwebs. Turns out it's head cheese! I have no idea what goes in head cheese but it's delicious. And so was the chorizo.

This morning we had a date with Erick our host for the week. This was arranged by our personal concierge Valdo. Erick treated us to a buffet breakfast that was about as mexican as me and chatted with us. Obviously he went on about how great this resort was and that we should become members, but mostly we chatted about random things. When the sales pitch came, we told him we weren't interested (the starting price was $10K) and he pretty much finished his schpiel in five minutes. Then he passed us to the guy who wanted to sell us a "come back to cancun in our resort" package, and we told him no. He said ok, thanks, enjoy your stay. We were a little confused. No hard sell, nobody bugging us. Crazy. Free breakfast though, awesome!

Trish and I then came back to our room to book our trips to wherever we're gonna go this week. The maid stopped by and started cleaning, she was pretty nice but didn't speak a word of english. After we were done booking trips to Chichen Itza and Ek Balam we headed to downtown once again. Market 23 was our goal today.

Drivers are a little crazy here, not China crazy, but still crazy. The buses tailgate people, people change lanes all the time, well really there are no lanes painted on the ground. They have weird traffic circles too. The bus got there without any accidents though. We found many little shops kinda like what you see on the discovery channel. One shop had open sacs on grain and spices on the ground kinda like the bulk food department at your favorite grocery store. Except that being outside this bulk section of food came equipped with flies, ants and bees. They probably don't charge you extra for the bugs though.

We found a little restaurant, nothing much to look at, but the menu looked good. Well, what I understood of the menu anyways. We sat down and scanned the tiny menu, they had obscure english translations, mostly direct translations from spanish. I got poc-chuk and Trish got ceviche, and we split some guacamole. The avocados in the guac were yellow and green, and they tasted really good, no clue what kind of avocado it was. I say kind of avocado because we found more than one kind at walmart, and if walmart has 2 kinds of avocados you know there's gotta be at least 3 or 4 kinds more out there in the world. Anyways, the food was awesome, and there was way too much of it. We didn't finish our plates and we barely touched the habanero salsa "muy picante" said our waiter when he plopped it on the table. The food only cost us 200 pesos, like $15 or something including tip. I asked Erick and he said 10% tip is customary here.

We just got back to the resort now, and I'm covered in sweat, it's gotta be 35 or 40 out there, maybe even 45-50 with the humidex factor. That's like 200 degrees for you american types. Learn celcius, it's too hot to translate in my head.

I think I'm gonna go swim, cus there's a pool right outside my door. Have fun at work tomorrow, I'll be in chichen itza. It's a mayan temple.

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