Monday, October 11, 2010

September 24th – Fresh off the boat

We landed in Seattle early in the morning and people started getting off the boat. Trish and I took our time getting up and showered before getting some breakfast. We went to the buffet and tried to find some food to eat from whatever stations were left open. Once we were done we headed down to the room, grabbed out back packs and headed off the ship.

At least that’s what we thought we were going to do. There was a gigantic lineup to get off the ship. The lineup of all lineups… This thing went from the exit ramp on the 4th deck, about 200 meters along the outside deck, through the doors on to the inside of the ship, passed the picture place, the casino, and finally in the main hall. All told this line had to be at least 500 meters long. Crazy I say, completely nuts!

We’re not stupid, so we didn’t line up. Instead we found some comfy seats and chilled while people were in line. About an hour later there was a call on the PA system telling people to get off the boat. So we walked off the boat with the few other stragglers left. No lineup for us… suckers.

We get off the boat and find our luggage in the luggage bay. There was tons of people everywhere so I decide to put the wine glasses in our bags. Well, after some great effort and reorganizing of bags I fit one box of glasses in. I was going to start finding a spot for the second box when someone came by to kick us out. They’re telling us that the people for the next cruise are coming to drop their luggage off. So I start closing up the bags and someone else comes to tell us the same story. In the span of 5 minutes a total of four people told us the same story. Give it a rest already, I’m going as fast as I can.

In an attempt to get us out faster, one of the guys got us a cart to put our luggage on and then pushed it out of the terminal for us. We were headed from pier 66 to pier 69, so the bell hop guy decided to help us. He walked with us over to the next pier and wheeled our bags all the way into the Victoria clipper terminal. We checked our bags in and tipped our bell hop. The clipper even had a spot where we could leave carry-on bags for a buck a piece.

We had some free time so we visited the Smith Tower. Trish found a Groupon for a cheap visit of the tower, it was pretty cool but nothing super spectacular. We found a good place for lunch and roamed around some before heading back to the ferry to head to Victoria.

Trying to organize the lineup for the clipper was a little odd. They had a number system and people were confused. The workers explained the system very poorly, but eventually people formed a line and we were moving on the boat. This one lady had an excited pug dog that was wandering around until she told him to sit. Apparently he didn’t want to sit so she repeated “Sit!” and then when he didn’t comply a second time she added “Hey! This is not optional!” and the dog sat. Lady, instead of teaching your dog to sit at the command of “Hey! This is not optional!” maybe you should try training him to obey the plain old “sit” command.

The clipper ride was uneventful and we checked in at the Fairmont Empress on our arrival in Victoria. We headed over to the Old Spaghetti Factory for supper. I wonder why there aren’t any spaghetti factories in the US… it seems like a popular chain in Canada. Trish and I had a very wavy supper… it felt like we were still on the boat though we were fairly certain that the restaurant was not swaying. After a good meal we hit the sack… finally a comfy bed.

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