Monday, June 8, 2009

San Francisco - Sunny Crawfish

Well, it's been a while since I last blogged something so I figured I'd blog about last weekend. Sadly, last weekend was double booked. I wanted to go to Alliance, a game where people pretend to be medieval adventures and hit each other with swords made out of plumbing supplies. Unfortunately, I had already booked the weekend for the Crawfish boil in San Fran.

I say unfortunately, but really the Crawfish boil was lots of fun, the only problem was that there was nobody to hit with insulation foam. We got up with the intent of getting to the city by 10:30am, the boil started at 11, but we wanted to be there a little early to organize things. By the time we really got going though, there was no way we'd be there before 11.

The weather underground page said that it would be cool and cloudy, so I wore shorts and a t-shirt. I mean, cool and cloudy for San Fran is 15 degrees Celsius and a bit of fog. I'd rather be cold than hot, so light clothes it is. Trish brought a hoodie and a scarf, just in case. We got there in the fog but by the time we found parking, the fog lifted and the sun came out to play.

We go in the crawfish boil and it was about 4 times bigger than last year. 8 tables instead of 2 and tons of the tasty little crawdads boiling away in giant pots. We set up our chairs and start eating. Brian, Antonio, Jaxs and Darren join us. There was also a new guy, but again, I don't remember his name. Sucks to be the new guy, but my memory is like Swiss cheese, and he landed in a hole. We'll call the new guy Jim, because I'm 100% sure that his name is NOT Jim.

We had good food, crappy beer, and lots of sun. Even though the saying goes "Free beer is good beer" that's not 100% accurate. When the only free beer is Miller Highlife and Pabst Blue Ribbon, it's just free beer, not to be confused with good beer. They also had some free red bull, but I prefer crappy beer over red bull any day.

So, 7 people present, eating crawfish and drinking beer. Guess how many people forgot to bring sun screen... that's right! 7! DOH! So, as it goes, hanging out in the sun from 11am to 5pm without sun screen will get you a pretty solid sun burn on all exposed flesh. My arms are toasty red, except for a strip on my left wrist where I wore the arm band that said I was allowed to eat. My face is pretty red, my nose is peeling, but as a bonus my hair protected my neck and ears! My legs are a little red too, but my arms got the brunt of the burn.

Was it worth it you ask? Of course it was! I hung out there eating crawfish for 6 hours! Yummy crawfish, with some corn and potatoes. There was also some people watching to be had. One guy had some sort of "I can't shut up" syndrome and he kept on babbling about stuff. "This girl looks like a young Jenna Jameson, you know that porn star and did you know that Alcatraz was a fort before it was a prison, that's how the defended the bay." Dude, lay off the crack and collect your thoughts before you speak. Porn stars and forts are not related and should not be part of the same sentence.

One of the girls in the same group as babbling guy had plumbers butt. Why is it that when guys have their pants so low that you can see the crack people are always going "eww, plumbers butt", but when girls have the same problem, people don't seem to mind one bit? Seems a little sexist to me. Then there was also a couple that had two dogs. A big mastiff or something, I'm not a dog person so if I got the breed wrong, that's just too bad. The only real questions I have about dogs now are related to eating them, but I digress. Their other dog was a little black thing with puffy hair. It was hillarious, the size of a football, probably closer to a softball if you soaked it in water. Super poofy hair dog was a little hyper and it was really funny when it ran around.

Anyways, we left around 5pm, mostly full of crawfish. I say mostly full because of the effort it takes to eat the stuff. I don't think you can get full of crawfish unless it's shelled for you. We had a great day, lots of fun and too much sun. So now I'm looking a little like tomato face guy and my chest is SUPER white compared to my arms but I'll survive. I'll have to even out my tan someday, maybe when I go to the pool next time I'll put SPF 75 on my arms and face and SPF 10 on the rest of me.

Well, next year you should all come to the crawfish boil cus it's awesome, and I won't forget sunscreen. Stayed tuned, because on the 20th I get to go to an Alliance day event, so I'll be beating people with foam padded pipe and I'll write a blog about it.

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